
Bhubaneswar Observes a Rise in Heart-Related Cases inPeople Under The Age of 50


In India, nearly a quarter of all deaths (24.8%) are due to heart diseases, and they affect people about ten years earlier than in Western countries. High cholesterol levels can contribute to this issue, increasing the risk of heart diseases and other heart-related issues.
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) is a long-term health problem where cholesterol builds up in arteries, causing plaque to form. This can lead to serious problems like heart attacks and strokes. Now, even younger people are at risk because of lifestyle changes and other factors. Hence, creating awareness amongst the youngsters is of utmost importance.
Dr. Anupam Jena, Associate Professor of Cardiology, KIMS, Bhubaneswar, said, “I stress the significance of regular screenings for early detection of cardiovascular risks, particularly among younger individuals. India has one of the highest rates of heart disease globally. Drawing from my experience, I’ve noted that 25-30% of heart-related issues manifest in patients under the age of 50 years. Raising awareness is crucial for effective management, and consistent screenings help individuals take proactive steps in managing their heart health. Encouraging a heart-healthy lifestyle among the younger generation requires a comprehensive approach to health, incorporating early screening, stress management, and maintenance of optimal blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels.”
It is highly important for young individuals to be proactive in managing their heart health, especially if there’s a family history of heart disease or related issues. Genetics plays a crucial role in determining susceptibility to ASCVD, making early intervention necessary. Understanding and addressing family predispositions empowers young individuals to adopt lifestyle changes that can help in managing potential risks. Regular check-ups and consultations with healthcare professionals provide insights into genetic factors, enabling personalized treatment strategies for a healthy heart.
Young individuals can proactively manage their health by prioritizing regular cholesterol screenings. This can help stay informed about their cholesterol levels. It is also necessary to take proper timely medications whenever prescribed. To have a healthier future, it’s crucial for young people to understand the role of cholesterol and manage it, especially “bad cholesterol” called Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C). Talk to your cardiologist to understand and maintain your optimal LDL-C levels based on your condition.

Along with your doctor visits, it is also important to keep your physical health in check and a balanced diet is fundamental to keep your heart in check.Some form of exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces blood pressure, and improves overall heart health. Smoking is a major contributor to heart diseases.It is necessary to encourage young individuals to quit smoking and work towards a healthier lifestyle. With today’s stressful lifestyles, implementing stress management techniquescan provide individuals with effective coping mechanisms. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and regular breaks can contribute to overall well-being.


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