Your Heart’s Call-to-Action for Informed Living and Cholesterol Care
According to the Global Burden of Disease, nearly a quarter, i.e., 24.8% of all deaths in India is due to heart diseases. Among Indians causes of concern are early age of onset, rapid progression, and high mortality rate. Additionally, high levels of cholesterol can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Now, more than ever, it’s your heart’s call to action for informed living!
Dr. M.P.Tripathy, Cardiologist, Care Hospitals, Bhubaneswar, said “Proper cholesterol care is critical for effective heart health management. I have encountered 45-55% of patients with elevated LDL-C or “bad cholesterol” levels.Many patients need more awareness of the link between LDL-C levels and heart diseases. Managing LDL-C levels is vital, particularly for individuals with pre-existing heart diseases or high risk. It is crucial to educate patients about regular cholesterol level monitoring and the correct usage of prescribed drugs. Taking proactive steps towards controlling LDL-C can with appropriate medication can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health outcomes.”
Typically, high cholesterol symptoms are hard to detect as they do not create any noticeable symptoms and it creates complications as the level increases. It is important to keep Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), often referred to as “bad cholesterol”, levels in check. Elevated LDL-C can contribute to the formation of plaque in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart diseases like heart attacks and stroke. To protect your heart, it’s crucial to understand and know your target LDL-C levels.
Cholesterol levels play a significant role in heart health. It is a waxy, fat-like substance necessary to make hormones and vitamin D, and to help you digest food. Your body produces cholesterol, and it’s also found in few sources of food.
Indians are significantly affected by cardiovascular disease, making it a major health concern in the country. Cholesterol problems are very common among South Asians due to genetic risk, lack of physical activity, and suboptimal dietary habits. According to the Indian Heart Association, LDL and total cholesterol levels among Indians are higher in comparison to other Asians. Additionally, the high prevalence of hypertension and diabetes further aggravate the risk of cardiovascular complications. Prioritizing cholesterol management and maintaining a healthy lipid profile are essential components of overall cardiovascular well-being.
Consumption of fat-free, organic vegetables does not mean that you’ve got your cholesterol control covered. In reality, cholesterol management needs a comprehensive plan. It involves maintaining a balanced diet, staying physically active, and adhering to medication to keep your LDL-C levels in target range. Understanding this intricate interplay between cholesterol, particularly LDL-C, and heart diseases underscores the importance of proactive management to mitigate risks and safeguard heart health, talk to your doctor today if you think you may be at risk for high cholesterol so you can take action before it’s too late.