
Cholesterol Screening to be Started Early: A Crucial Step for Bhubaneswar’s Fitness Enthusiasts


As we watched world-class athletes push their limits during the recent Olympics, it’s easy to assume that peak physical fitness equals perfect health. Yet, a growing number of fitness enthusiasts across the globe and in India are being diagnosed with heart diseases, proving that even the fittest aren’t immune to heart risks. This surprising trend highlights a crucial reality: rigorous exercise routines and healthy diets alone aren’t always enough to protect against heart problems. In fact, the very lifestyle that promotes physical fitness can sometimes mask hidden health issues, making early cholesterol screening a vital step for everyone, even those in seemingly perfect shape.
The Cardiologists Society of India (CSI) recently updated its guidelines, recommending that cholesterol checks begin at the age of 18. This is especially relevant for fitness enthusiasts who might assume their active lifestyle is enough to keep heart disease at bay.
Dr. Anupam Jena, Associate Professor of Cardiology, KIMS, Bhubaneswar, says, “Regular screenings are absolutely essential, especially for fitness enthusiasts. I’ve noticed a worrying increase in younger patients, even those who are very fit, being admitted for heart problems related to high cholesterol. About 20 to 30% of these patients are under 45 years old. We’ve observed a significant rise in heart-related incidents among fitness enthusiasts in the recent years. Early cholesterol screening is vital for identifying these risks. In case one is diagnosed with elevated levels of bad cholesterol there are innovative therapies, which can reduce LDL-C levels by more than 50% and offer a promising option for prevention and management.”
Cholesterol plays a significant role in heart health. High levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C, often called as “bad” cholesterol, can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries. This can cause them to narrow and harden—a condition known as atherosclerosis. Regular cholesterol screenings are essential for early detection and management of this risk.
As per the CSI guidelines, India is experiencing a worrying rise in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, even among young and active people.Despite this, many are not taking the necessary steps to manage their cholesterol. Studies show that only 25-30% of people stick to lifestyle changes or medications to control their cholesterol, revealing a gap in maintaining optimal cholesterol levels.The CSI also points out that many Indians lack awareness about dyslipidemia—a condition where there’s an imbalance of lipids, including cholesterol, in the blood—and the risks it poses.


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